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Social Entrepreneurship: An Introductory Workshop for Nonprofit Leaders


This workshop explains one of the most important breakthroughs in nonprofit development: social entrepreneurship. Participants learn what social entrepreneurship is, and how to develop and implement customized plans for social entrepreneurship, including for their own organizations.

Here's Who Will Benefit

Personnel, including:

  1. Current Board members
  2. Potential Board members
  3. Chief Executive Officers
  4. Employees/staff
  5. Funders/investors
  6. Consultants

Here's What We'll Cover In This Workshop

  1. An overall framework for understanding social entrepreneurship
  2. Emerging trends that encourage social entrepreneurship
  3. Benefits of being more entrepreneurial
  4. Characteristics of social entrepreneurs
  5. Six stages of entrepreneurial development
  6. Managing the risks of failure
  7. Critical success factors
  8. About unrelated business income tax (UBIT)
  9. Why funders should support social entrepreneurship
  10. Why most small businesses fail
  11. What will be required from your organization to implement social entrepreneurship
  12. Major social entrepreneurship strategies and important considerations (product and service sales, free-standing businesses, partnership with corporations)
  13. Your entrepreneurial self-assessment
  14. Six stages of social entrepreneurial development for your organization:
    a) Clarify your situation
    b) Inventory your assets and capabilities
    c) Brainstorm, screen and select short list of opportunities
    d) Research your short list and select best opportunities
    e) Strategize and plan to implement your selected opportunities
    f) Implement your plan and adjust to reality
  15. Planning your next actions

Features of This Training

  1. Focused on nuts-and-bolts activities of planning social entrepreneurship activities for your organization
  2. Instruction from national experts on social entrepreneurship
  3. Comprehensive, well-organized and substantive training materials
  4. Six-month follow-on support and feedback in a private, on-line discussion group moderated by the trainer
  5. As much as possible, we customize the training to suit the nature and needs of the attendees

We Customize This Training for You and Your Organization

  1. Contact us to tell us about whom you wish to train, when and where.
  2. We'll work with you to accommodate your budget and schedule and to customize the training according to your needs.
  3. Contact Authenticity Consulting, LLC, by calling 1-763-971-8890 or e-mailing us.
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