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Free Management Library

Free Management Library
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Authenticity Consulting, LLC - In the News

May, 2010 -- We've published our new book Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision in Business! This is one of the few books that guides leaders and supervisors to effectively lead and supervise people and all major functions in the organization, AND coordinate effectively with the Board of Directors.
Read more about this book.

January, 2010 -- We published an article with Training Magazine about how our peer coaching groups can be used to deepen and enrich any training and development program.
Read this article.

December, 2009 - We published an article in Leadership Excellence magazine about how our peer coaching groups can be used for leaders to develop leaders.
Read this article.

December 2009 -- Carter McNamara collaborated with Shannon Wallis of Microsoft Corporation to write a chapter in the book Best Practices in Talent Management.
Get more information about this book

September 2009 -- We published an article in Chief Learning Officer magazine about how our groups can be used to develop internal networks of self-directed learners.
Read this article.

August 2009 -- The StarTribune newspaper published a full-page story about our company and how it pioneered development of peer coaching groups for a wide variety of applications.
Read this story